Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mushroom Intermezzo

I took a walk once (not far from where these photos were taken, see vid below) with Lydia Popova, Russian scientist and an undersecretary of MinAtom, while Chernobyl was happening.
 Later she became a wisleblower on the Soviet Nuclear weapons industry. Because she died relatively young and her visit here relatively short, my time with her was way too brief for meeting a person with such a sharp intelligence and (Russian) depth,  clarity and kindness. She pointed out something that has stayed with me over these many years since that walk and her visit to Los Alamos and the United States.

Lydia Popova made the following statement in Los Alamos in 1999:

"I now always appeal to imagination, to inspiration and try to teach and appeal to simplicity and sincerity..... I believe that this is the best way to try to approach the experts who have very limited imagination, and also to activate people to try to understand that we are not just the Kings of the World....we are just one species among many other species.....we are all connected....and we are connected by the Beauty of this world......"

Most of us are living now in such stressful existence, that we forget to take time connecting with nature, and deny ourselves to experience the beauty of our whole of our interdependent web of relationships (as the Buddha would say)..... our deeper 'communion' with all sentient being. Yet this is what we need to do to remain focussed, and have our priorities straight. Anyhow, to illustrate the point,  take a walk with me.....enjoy!

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